Searching for Proverbs 10:9 meaning? Here’s a commentary on what the passage means, along with application and appropriate prayer.
Before getting into the meaning of Proverbs 10:9, here’s different Bible translations:
King James Version
He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
American Standard Version
He that walketh uprightly walketh surely; But he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
World English Bible version
He who walks blamelessly walks surely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.

Proverbs 10:9 Meaning & Commentary
This scripture in Proverbs contrasts two different kinds of people, and the results of their actions:
Firstly, we see a person walking in integrity, which The Bible says is a secure path.
Secondly, we see a person who walks in crooked ways will be found out.
To walk in integrity means always doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, or will find out. There are many “shortcuts” to what many deem “success” in life. Usually, these “shortcuts” are linked to financial dealings since we know that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil: 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. So, if the love of money is present, this can birth greed. Greed then will be the fuel which can tempt a person to get money by any means necessary.
Integrity, however, speaks of someone who loves God and has purposed in their heart to honor him with their lives, their possessions, and all that they are. The problem with the love of money, and the resulting temptation to walk in “crooked ways” is that there is no lasting satisfaction because the root desire is evil. We see elsewhere in Proverbs that something gained by deceit (crooked dealings) may bring a temporary sweetness, but after the fact, will cause great shame and pain: Proverbs 20:17 Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel.
Integrity is a sure-fire way to guard ourselves and protect our hearts from being polluted and build a life of Godly character, and model this to other people: Proverbs 20:7 The righteous who walks in his integrity – blessed are his children after him!

How then can we practically apply Proverbs 10:9 to our lives?
We need to always take the “high road” less traveled. There are too many people in this world trying to take shortcuts and get ahead by any means necessary. As believers, we should be an example to those around us, not only in words but in action. Nobody enjoys dealing with a crooked person, who lacks integrity.
Even a thief themselves would not want to do business with another thief. They would want to do business with a person of integrity so that they can try and rip them off! Integrity extends further than just finances though; it speaks about a whole or complete person. This means that this is somebody who is the same person, no matter where they are, or who they are with.
How sad it is to sometimes hear of men and women of God, who look great in the public eye, but their private lives are falling apart. What good is it if a person’s public life looks great on the outside, but their private life is falling apart? So then, we can trace this all back to our walk with God; this is where it all starts and ends. If we have greed, a desire to get rich quickly, or anything else ungodly in our hearts, we need to take it to God in our private lives and deal with it there.
This way, we can be empowered to always walk in integrity and honor God with our lives and our decisions. There is a scary story in Acts 5:1-11 about a couple who were dishonest, not only to men but most importantly to God. They thought that they could get away with their crooked dealings, however, they were eventually found out. That’s the problem with walking in a lack of integrity, it always catches up with you eventually!

Heavenly Father, I come to you in Jesus’ name, and I ask that you reveal to me any areas of my life where I may be lacking integrity. I pray and ask that you would work deep in my heart to deal with these areas, so that I may be complete and whole before you, and the same person no matter where I am, or who I am with.
Help to discern those who come into my life with crooked intentions, and to deal with them wisely. I desire to be an example of Jesus Christ in all things, especially when it comes to walking in integrity in all areas of my life. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen!