Before getting into the meaning of Proverbs 11:24, here’s different Bible translations:
King James Version
There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.
American Standard Version
There is that scattereth, and increaseth yet more; And there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but [it tendeth] only to want.
World English Bible version
There is one who scatters, and increases yet more. There is one who withholds more than is appropriate, but gains poverty.

Proverbs 11:24 Meaning & Commentary
One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. – Proverbs 11:24 (ESV)
The Kingdom of God often operates contrary to what makes sense or how things are in the world. The world teaches that to have more money, you need to keep it, save it, or “put it under a mattress,” as the saying goes. Now, this makes sense, logically. God’s Kingdom does not operate on logic, however. God’s Kingdom operates on principles. There is a principle that we see throughout The Bible, which is that giving causes you to receive – it opens the windows of heaven over our lives, or the person practicing it: 2 Corinthians 9:6 -The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
The truth is that God owns everything, and he can cause finances to flow into our lives. The issue is not whether God can cause finances to flow into our lives but whether we can steward the finances well. A person who gives freely is stewarding finances well. This is why Proverbs 11:24 says that this person grows all the richer. He has become a channel of blessing – He gives and receives and continues to prosper in all he does. The person who withholds giving what he should is, by nature, selfish. It is indicative of a person who loves money, as The Bible teaches us that we cannot serve both God and mammon.
It is now somewhat universally accepted that givers are happier than non-givers. Even some non-believers are starting to practice this principle, which brings a measure of joy and contentment into the life of the person giving. So, there is a two-fold “benefit”: to increase and grow financially and to experience the joy that comes from giving. Withholding giving and being stingy stops the flow of blessing into your life and causes you to be miserable and miss out on the joy of giving!

How can we practically apply Proverbs 11:24 to our lives?
The obvious application here is to be generous and not stingy. If we break it down further, we can take more practical steps here. Firstly, if you don’t have finances to give at all, start with giving what you can – Time, kindness, clothing….anything that will begin to develop a giving and generous heart. Secondly, building and developing a generous and giving lifestyle starts with what you have. If you only have a little money, start by giving from that. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you will give when you have more money; that is a deception.
The Bible tells us that if we are faithful with little, we will be faithful with much: Luke 16:10 – One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. In the context of giving, this means being faithful and growing in generosity where we are right now – Not having the mindset that when we have more, we will start giving or be more generous. That is a lie, and that day will never come. It is easier to give when you have little than when you have much. So, withholding money and a stingy heart needs to be broken right now; it is a heart matter, not a money matter. The Bible teaches us that our Tithe should be given to our local Church: Malachi 3:10 – Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.
The storehouse is where we are fed, referencing our local Church where we are spiritually nourished. The challenge is to start right now, wherever you are. Begin to practice the act of giving freely, and God will begin to enrich and increase you in every area of your life, not only financially!

Heavenly Father, thank you that I do not need to fear to give. Your Word tells me that my giving will cause me to grow richer and more prosperous. I desire to give, not to grow richer, but because your nature is giving, and I desire to be like you and be a blessing to others. Show me where the love of money might still reign in my life and help me overcome it so I can move to the next level and be a channel of blessing to others. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen!